Brian Baggett

·        Jazz Listening Techniques


 ·        A few Jazz Albums to own

·        The Power of Lists

·        How to Practice

·        Chords

·        Modes

·        Explanation of Chords and Modes

·        Using the Metronome

·        The Beat Division Exercise

·        Horizontal Motion

·        Scale Choices

·        The Major

       ii V I

·        ii V I Studies

·        Swinging the Metronome

·        Chords as Arpeggios

·        Chord Construction

·        3rds, 7ths and Upper Chord Tones

·        The Minor

       ii V i

·        Minor ii V i Studies

·        Hybrid Picking

·        Diminished Scales over Dominant 7 chords

·        Harmonic Minor Modes

·        Two Chord Beat Division Exercise

·        Mapping out the Major and Minor ii V I

·        I VI ii V I

·        Bb Blues

·        Blues Scales

·        Blue Bossa Chord Analysis

·        Solar Chord Analysis

·        Have You Met Ms Jones Chord Analysis

·        Common Chord Progressions

·        Walking Basslines

·        The CAGED system

·        Chord Usage and function

·        The Five Pentatonic Modes

·        Pentatonic Scale usage

·        Lydian Chords

·        Melodic Minor Modes

·        Melodic Minor Applications

·        Chord Substitutions

·        Advanced Beat Divisions

·        Advanced Position Playing

·        Advanced Blues

·        Some Tunes to Know and Work with

·        List of Standards with BPM

·        Complex Melody Study

·        The Inner Game of music

·        Other Musical interests

·        Recommended Books and DVDS

·        A complete list of all 22 keys



By Brian Baggett © 2013


A complete method for jazz improvisation on guitar

Keys To Unlocking the Fretboard -


Your tour guide to the world of jazz improvisation on guitar. 


With so much information available to the modern guitar student,  my book Keys to Unlocking the Fretboard acts as your tour guide by providing you essential systems and exercises to unlock the fretboard and become an advanced improviser.  You don't have to be stuck in positions anymore.  It doesn't have to be that way with chords or scales.  This book will not only teach you how to play any chord or scale anywhere on the fretboard but it will also show you how to apply them to progressions.  This book teaches you harmony, music theory and fretboard logic through the mind of a jazz guitarist.  It uses mostly jazz harmony but the concepts and systems can be applied to any style of guitar playing.  

Keys to Unlocking the Fretboard gives you simple, fundamental systems that become part of your practice routine.  It's just like exercising.  You need a routine.   Plus, each key is designed to work several areas of your playing at once helping you get the most out of your practice time! 

Topics covered in the book include set up, tone, how to practice, chords, modes, scale choices, how to play with the metronome, Major and Minor ii V i with scale choices,  arpeggios, chord construction, altered dominant chords and scales, pentatonic modes, Lydian concepts, Harmonic and Melodic modes and usage,  several common jazz chord progressions with scale choice analysis and more.

In addition to creating a program for you to develop as a guitarist,  Keys to Unlocking the Fretboard once again acts as your tour guide by suggesting good jazz albums to own, artists to check out and multiple lists of the most played jazz tunes/tunes you should know. 


Stop wasting time, money and energy looking for random concepts (that may or may not be meaningful) to add to your disorganized practicing!  Let Keys to Unlocking the Fretboard be your tour guide pointing out important landmarks along your journey. Develop a well balanced practice routine that will take your playing to new levels on a consistent basis.  It's time to stop searching and start practicing the keys to unlocking the fretboard!




When I was hired to create a jazz studies department

here at Ottawa University, Brian was my first choice

to fill the Adjunct Guitar position. As a faculty member

he teaches the jazz guitar studio, coaches jazz combo

rehearsals, instructs jazz master-classes, and performs

in the faculty jazz septet. His teaching is both demanding

and flexible. He adapts well to the idiosyncrasies of

individual students, and they are consistently inspire

as well as challenged by him.


Dr. Todd R. Wilkinson Director of Jazz Studies, Professor of Saxophone at Ottawa University


          I   have known Brian Baggett for many years.

      His method book, “Keys To Unlocking The Fretboard

       provides guitarists with a step-by-step pedagogical approach to jazz improvisation and technique. This book is for all aspiring jazz guitarists young and old.

I can personally say that his teaching methods are

truly effective as by witnessing my own son’s

development. It is a truly amazing book and

a must have for all music educators.


  Dr. Craig Treinen Assistant Professor of Jazz Studies at Washburn University




By Brian Baggett ©


A complete method for jazz improvisation on guitar

*SOLD OUT* Book and DVD COMBO SAVE $10 and combine shipping!!


Keys To Unlocking the Fretboard Book and DVD (eco pack) Combo. SAVE $10 AND COMBINE SHIPPING!


Keys To Unlocking the Fretboard Guitar Method


*SOLD OUT* Keys to Unlocking the Fretboard DVD


Keys To Unlocking the Fretboard DVD (eco pack)
